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Intuition DeMystified

August 19, 2019

Intuition may seem mystical and mysterious, but at its core, it is a culmination of experiences that our unconscious mind has formed into a sense impression. If we don’t experience the world with conviction, then our mind doesn’t know what to make of the sensory input that it receives.
That is why it is so important to make sure that you know exactly who you are and what you want out of life. The best way to do that is to sit down and truly think about what it is that you want to accomplish in life and what it is that you believe in. When we don’t know those things, we lack the resources needed to make wise choices and snap decisions that will ultimately contribute to our success.
Fortunately, there is a way that we can ensure our success by garnering wisdom in our lives, and that is by getting to know ourselves intimately enough that our intuition works in our favor rather than against it. In today’s day and age, it may seem important to always try to keep up with everyone around us, but when we aren’t making time for ourselves, then we are the only ones who start to suffer. Self-Care gets used all kinds of ways these days, but in my mind this time for self is a critical key to developing a practical healthy relationship with yourself, and thus intuition that is dependable.

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